
This report presents traffic data collected by the Department of Transportation on the territorial highway network from 1993 to 2011. This report includes traffic information collected on major highways, access roads, winter roads and associated ferry crossings. The report also contains information on vehicle classifications.
Publication date: 
June 2012
Resource Category: 
Highways and Ferries
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 
PWS Energy Conservation Projects Annual Report 2011
Publication date: 
April 2012
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 
KAVIK-STANTEC undertook a terrain assessment program in support of the Government of the Northwest Territories, Department of Transportation (DOT), Town of Inuvik and Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk’s Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway Project (the Project). This report summarizes the findings of the terrain assessment.
Publication date: 
March 2012
Resource Category: 
Highways and Ferries
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 
Publication date: 
March 2012
Resource Category: 
Highways and Ferries
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 
Publication date: 
January 2012
Resource Category: 
Drivers and Vehicles
Resource Type: 
Fact Sheets
Type of resourse: 

Oil and Gas in the NWT (pdf/1.03 MB)

Oil and Gas in the NWT
Publication date: 
January 2012
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Fact Sheets
Type of resourse: 

Oil and Gas in the NWT (pdf/1.03 MB)

Natural Gas: A Fuel for the Future
Publication date: 
January 2012
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Fact Sheets
Type of resourse: 

Liquified Natural Gas (pdf/209.09 KB)

Liquified Natural Gas
Publication date: 
January 2012
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Fact Sheets
Type of resourse: 

Liquified Natural Gas (pdf/209.09 KB)

Hydro Energy in the NWT (pdf/3.34 MB)

Hydro Energy in the NWT
Publication date: 
January 2012
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Fact Sheets
Type of resourse: 

Hydro Energy in the NWT (pdf/3.34 MB)

Heating in the NWT (pdf/506.92 KB)

Heating in the NWT
Publication date: 
January 2012
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Fact Sheets
Type of resourse: 

Heating in the NWT (pdf/506.92 KB)

Energy Efficiency in the NWT
Publication date: 
January 2012
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Fact Sheets
Type of resourse: 
The Northwest Territories Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (1990) came into effect on August 1, 1991 and is amended from time to time. The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act is the territorial complement of the federal Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act. The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations were first amended on August 15, 2002 to meet the clear language requirements and is further amended from time to time. Where the federal legislation applies to the transportation modes subject to its jurisdiction (i.e., air, marine, rail and road transport), the territorial Act applies to road transport operations. In the interests of consistency and national uniformity, the territorial Act references the federal regulations pursuant to the federal Act. In this way, dangerous goods moving in Canada from one mode of transportation to another and/or between jurisdictions are always subject to the same regulations.
Publication date: 
January 2012
Resource Category: 
Highways and Ferries
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 
This document outlines the challenges and current initiatives underway for the Department of Transportation to remain On Track
Publication date: 
November 2011
Resource Category: 
Highways and Ferries
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 
This PDR covers the construction of the Highway through the Tulita District in the SSA, based on the nearly five decades of initiatives, studies, strategies, consultations and reports, and serves as the initial guiding document for the proposal to develop the Highway in the area. The PDR is subject to the terms of the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (SDMCLCA). To the extent there is a conflict between the PDR and the SDMCLCA, the provisions of the SDMCLCA shall govern to the extent of the inconsistency.
Publication date: 
October 2011
Resource Category: 
Highways and Ferries
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 
Publication date: 
September 2011
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 

2010 Collison Report (pdf/742.51 KB)

This publication contains useful information on issues such as drinking and driving, unsafe speed, young and old drivers, and use of occupant restraints that affect crashes and their severities. This report is organized in twelve sections. The contents of each section are described below.
Publication date: 
August 2011
Resource Category: 
Highways and Ferries
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 

2010 Collison Report (pdf/742.51 KB)

2010-2011 Registrars Report (pdf/380.27 KB)

This report presents a statistical summary of the vehicle and driver population in the Northwest Territories and presents a summary of revenue, driver testing activity, convictions and suspensions. This information can be used by Program Managers, Regional Superintendents and Senior Managers to assess Road Licensing and Safety activities and monitor trends. The information in this report is derived from data maintained on the Road Licensing and Safety Motor Vehicle Information System (MVIS). A series of reports are used to extract the statistical information from MVIS.
Publication date: 
August 2011
Resource Category: 
Drivers and Vehicles
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 

2010-2011 Registrars Report (pdf/380.27 KB)

This report presents traffic data collected by the Department of Transportation on the territorial highway network from 1993 to 2010. This report includes traffic information collected on major highways, access roads, winter roads and associated ferry crossings. The report also contains information on vehicle classifications.
Publication date: 
June 2011
Resource Category: 
Highways and Ferries
Resource Type: 
Reports, Plans and Studies
Type of resourse: 
