Electric Vehicle Needs Assessment and Forecast in the NWT
The GNWT commissioned a study in 2020-2021 to look at how feasible it would be to develop an electric vehicle charging corridor in the Northwest Territories (NWT).
The study forecasts electric vehicle adoption rates in the NWT between 2021 and 2030. It also outlined potential locations of a new electric vehicle charging corridor between Yellowknife and the Alberta border, and the economic and environmental benefits and costs of developing an electric vehicle charging corridor.
Key Findings
- The study forecasts that the annual sale of electric vehicles could represent between 2.9% and 11.3% of all cars and smaller trucks sold in the NWT in 2030.
- The study says an electric vehicle charging corridor could be set up on Highways 1 and 3 from Yellowknife to the Alberta border. Stations could be placed on the way to Fort Smith.
- The study found the NWT could achieve a reduction in transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions of between 260 and 1,016 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030 by developing this corridor and providing new electric vehicle purchasing incentives.
The study outlines four recommendations:
- Host an Electric Vehicle Discovery Day: An event to promote how electric vehicles perform in northern winters, and how to operate and maintain them.
- Lead by example: Government-owned and operated vehicle fleets provide an opportunity to increase awareness about electric vehicles by getting them out into communities.
- Work with vehicle dealerships: Incentives could include increased support for electric vehicle rebates, and collaborative work in setting sales targets.
- Building code updates to enable residential charging: Building codes for new, single-family homes could be required to include equipment to accommodate home charging of electric vehicles.
Read the full report here.